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Posts Tagged ‘sixth Great Extinction’

The 6th Great Extinction: Sooner Than Expected

Posted by edro on May 23, 2010

Planetary collapse driven by man-made cataclysms

This blog has now been dedicated to the ‘survivors’ of the planetary collapse forced by man-made cataclysms

Based on their research, EDRO Moderators Have concluded that a series of man-made cataclysms will drive the earth’s population to near extinction.

[This section was removed to ensure NO association WHATEVER could be made with “Rapture apocalypse prediction.”]

Most of the ‘survivors’ would be highly evolved, ethical and altruistic humans with the ability to overcome the immense difficulties they will have inherited . . .

Nevertheless, the Moderators believe by identifying the major man-made obstacles that stand in the way, they could, for their part, help to keep the flow of life on this planet uninterrupted.

EDRO Moderators

For background to the planetary collapse, search blog contents. Future information will be provided at this site OR at one of the following cites:


Posted in collapse mechanisms, collapsing cities, collapsing ecosystems, energy dinosaurs | Tagged: , , , | 12 Comments »